Tuesday, February 4, 2014

I see the perfection in all of life. ~ A Louise Hay Affirmation

Thank you for stopping by my blog.  Today, I'm participating in "Sisterhood Stories."  We are an International group of artists and we get together every few weeks by linking our blog posts together and journey through our lives and stories. It's quite inspiring to travel from artist to artist, blog to blog, and country to country.  Please take some time, and after you've visited here stop by Sue's blog at http://themercerie.net/blog/

Recently I've been noticing artist friends who have been participating in the 100 Happy Days challenge.  http://100happydays.com   

The main idea behind this challenge is to notice, and share things that you are grateful for, or things that make you happy.  Since I'm the type who tends to mull things over before I leap into something new, I've just been paying attention.  

The other day I drove my daughter to school when she missed her bus. She likes to get there early, and it was wonderful to enjoy the soft morning light.    We live on Palos Verdes Peninsula, in Southern California. 

I marveled at the Pacific Ocean view, and the faraway glimpse of Los Angeles in the horizon.

I breathed in the ocean air and peaceful feeling and sat for a while taking in natures beauty.

It was a hazy morning, and on the way home, I stopped by Malaga Cove Plaza for a quick coffee, before going home to drive my elementary daughter to her school.

The architecture here is called Mediterranean Revival, which takes influences from Spanish and Italian   styles.

We have the most wonderful Bakery, Flower, Cafe shop called "The Yellow Vase."  http://www.yellowvase.com  It's a great place to get a coffee, or even breakfast or lunch if you have time for that.

Finally, I took notice of all the blooming trees.  Everywhere I look these days, there are blooms on the trees.

January and February in Southern California really are more like Spring than any other time here.  

I was so grateful to have noticed the morning air, the beautiful light, and the gorgeous architecture with colorful flowers.  It lifted my spirits, and I had a wonderful day.  I hope you take notice of the beautiful things in your life too, and thank you 100 Happy Days creator!   I'm certainly happier just contemplating the idea of it.

Thanks for stopping by, and remember to visit Sue at http://themercerie.net/blog/

Have a blessed day!


  1. I love your photos. Your impression of Southern California is just beautiful. Makes me want to visit. Especially with the winter we're having here on the East Coast :) And it is true, sometimes it is very important to stop, take a deep breath and just watch, take in and enjoy

  2. I love this post! Full of warmth and fresh air! Your little corner of the world does remind us of Spain or Italy and somehow I hadn't envisioned it as looking so European. I guess I had expected a more modern mix, it's gorgeous, really!

  3. Wow, some beautiful, peaceful photos here. I really must take up this challenge!! Thanks for sharing, Abby x

  4. Beautiful pictures Abby, I feel a real sense of peace looking at them x


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